Deepen Your Writing: Tools for the Busy Creative

The Deepen Your Writing workshop has ended. Please check out our writing workshops schedule page for currently scheduled workshops.

Take your writing to the next level. 

deepen your writing

Sometimes great writing seems like magic. In this Deepen Your Writing workshop, we’ll demystify published writing and you’ll learn how to use those magic tricks yourself. The goal of this workshop is to help you dive deeper into your writing, even when it seems like life always gets in the way. Set aside these three hours as a long-lasting gift to your creative self.

Even though you’ve been reading all your life, you might not have been “reading like a writer.”

In this class, you’ll learn from the Greats and apply those craft tools to your own writing with in-class writing prompts. We’ll discuss what it means to “read like a writer.” We’ll close-read great works of fiction and memoir. And we will examine the tricks they employ, then write “under the influence” of the pieces we read.

  • You’ll leave with new craft tools and “tricks” up your sleeve that you can apply to future work.
  • We’ll read and practice how to create fully-realized characters, how to hook a reader with the first line, how to describe setting that makes you feel like you’re there, how to shift points of view seamlessly.
  • Reading published work will also tap into material that you might not have thought you could write about. You’ll leave with new ideas and the confidence to explore them.


“It is always a pleasure to gather in this intimate setting with a few writers who want to read literature, together. In this sacred space, we go further and higher when we read out-loud and talk about what makes a particular piece so moving. Then, we can all come alive with inspiration!”

-F.M., Los Angeles

If you are interested in receiving critique or guidance on your book project, please Schedule a Free Consultation or check out our Private Coaching options. View all creative writing workshops here.