Words and Pictures – an interview with Sarah Eggers

Accessing poetry through art-making

with artist, writer, and therapist, Sarah Eggers


We had the opportunity to ask Sarah Eggers, the leader of our upcoming poetry & art workshop, a couple questions to get at the heart of her interdisciplinary practice. What was the take-away, you ask? That she’s super smart and we have a lot to gain from her and her class.

What made you want to bring writing and art together? How are they linked for you?

It is hard for me to imagine separating writing and art; for me they arise out of the same impulse, which is essentially a manifesting drive–the desire to make something concrete out of the evanescent and frankly rather murky streams of my own interior landscape.  I find that the visual arts and writing speak and listen to each other constantly–for example a poem may evoke some irrepressible visual impression in the mind, while a painting or a photograph may seem to whisper something to the viewer, as in some long forgotten language.

Where do you find inspiration for each?

I have the sometimes maddening inclination to find inspiration for my painting, drawing and collage in literature and writing, while I am endlessly inspired by the visual arts and artists in my poetry.  For example, going to art shows or museums or (lately) looking at 19th century circus posters, I start to feel the buzz and clink of words, or fragments of lines of poetry in my head, while  my typical response when I read a particularly lovely piece of writing is to want to paint or draw something inspired by it.  Ultimately, though, I think what inspires me the most is mystery, strangeness, the twilit space between states of consciousness where possibility dwells.  It is fun there, and also wonderfully terrifying!

Read Sarah’s full bio.

Join us at Sarah’s hands-on writing and art workshop! Let’s get messy and make stuff together in those twilit, mysterious spaces.

No requirements or experience necessary. All are welcome.

Workshop Date:  Saturday, June 27

Time:  11:30 am – 3:00 pm

Get more info or register hereWords and Pictures: A Poetry and Art Workshop.

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