Testimonial: Having a community to share ideas and words is priceless

Testimonial for Los Angeles Writers Group

“Having a community, regardless of the activity, helps me thrive. After joining a writing group with Nicole and Sanora, I realized that while writing is often a solitary activity, having a community to share ideas and words is priceless. Last month I received a check (which I photocopied!) for my first piece of writing purchased by a publisher. I began writing the piece, a tribute to my mom, after I joined LAwritersgroup.com and it was the group that gave me the courage to submit it – and it will soon appear in a book called “Living With Multiple Sclerosis”. I’m a bit of a wimp- but after receiving encouragement, constructive feedback and praise from LAwritersgroup.com, I’m much more confident and am pursuing a more active and serious freelance career. I’ve also kept in close contact with members of the writing group and trust them 100% to provide honest feedback on my writing. For the summer I’ll be working on a children’s book series, editing the next draft of my novel and submitting a slew of short stories to competitions – confidently! Thank you, LAwritersgroup.com!!”

– Jodene

If you are interested in receiving critique or guidance on your book project, please Schedule a Free Consultation or check out our Private Coaching options. View all creative writing workshops here.

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