This Introduction to Poetry Workshop has ended. Please check out our writing workshops schedule page for currently scheduled workshops or join our mailing list.

Have you always loved poetry but didn’t know how to begin with writing your own? Are you intimidated but intrigued by the art form, with its marriage of “sound and sense?” Have you been writing poetry secretly for years, but kept it all hidden in a drawer or safely ensconced in the pages of your journal?
In this 4-week workshop, we will dive (no toe-dipping!) into the sea of image, rhythm, music, and dream that constitutes poetry, exploring and discovering how poems are generated, crafted and refined.
The weekly writing prompts will surprise and inspire the imagination. So will our discussions on craft through the reading and sharing of poetry by both ancient and contemporary masters.
Each week we will provide you with recommended reading and ideas for adventures in writing to embark on at home.
Expect to be delightfully nudged out of your usual habits with language and discover yourself as a poet in the process!
This class is appropriate for total beginners to those who want a refresher or who write in other genres but want to venture into verse.
In this 4-week workshop, you will:
- Learn the basic elements of a poem (line, image, rhythm, space) and how to use these to create meaning and power
- Read the work of other poets with a refined ear and appreciation for craft
- Explore a variety of styles and forms through writing prompts
- Write new material and receive feedback from peers and workshop leader to encourage bravery and hone your skills
If you are interested in receiving critique or guidance on your book project, please Schedule a Free Consultation or check out our Private Coaching options. View all creative writing workshops here.