Testimonial: If you’re serious about finishing your first draft, sign up for this class

Testimonial from a Novel Writing Workshop: First Draft Incubator workshop attendee:

“I came to this course with 20-odd pages of tired material, a clichéd main character, and no idea how to map out my novel.  Despite having two decades of experience as a magazine features writer, I was stumped on how to organize and sustain compelling long form fiction. Less than six weeks later, I have a complete outline and  a solid second take on several important scenes.

If you’re serious about finishing your first draft, sign up for this class.  Nicole will be a generous advocate for your work. She’ll honor your personal creative process and she will ask you all the hard questions at just the right time.” – D.M.

If you are interested in receiving critique or guidance on your book project, please Schedule a Free Consultation or check out our Private Coaching options. View all creative writing workshops here.

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