
Information and News from Los Angeles Writers Group Headquarters

Writing Prompt for Wednesday 12/14/16

Writing Prompt for Wednesday 12/14/16

Your Daily Writing Prompt This week’s creative writing prompts focus on writing better dialogue. Every Sunday we start a new theme for the week’s writing prompts. Today’s Writing Prompt   Today I want you to write a conversation in which you focus on what a character is NOT saying. Invent two characters (or use existing characters […]

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Writing Prompt for Tuesday 12/13/16

Writing Prompt for Tuesday 12/13/16

Your Daily Writing Prompt This week’s creative writing prompts focus on writing better dialogue. Every Sunday we start a new theme for the week’s writing prompts. My apologies for falling off the face of the earth last week. I’ve learned my lesson to plan ahead for my blog posts! I’m continuing from where I left […]

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Free Event at SAG-AFTRA this Thursday!

Free Event at SAG-AFTRA this Thursday!

SAG-AFTRA and would love to extend an invitation to your students. (Please see the attached invitation) The event is centered on the incredibly talented and hilarious Peter Mehlman, who was the head writer on Seinfeld for nine years. Recently, Peter has branched into standup comedy and he will be entertaining our audience before sitting down […]

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Interview with Literary Agent Gail Hochman

This is a fantastic interview with an agent – a must read to get an insider’s view of what it’s like to be an agent. Here is a quick excerpt: Approximately how many unsolicited queries does your office get a year? I myself get 40-50 query letters a week. Are they all read?  Someone reads the […]

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Writing Prompt for Monday 12/05/16

Writing Prompt for Monday 12/05/16

Your Daily Writing Prompt This week’s creative writing prompts focus on writing better dialogue. Every Sunday we start a new theme for the week’s writing prompts. Today’s Writing Prompt There’s a lot of talk out there about making sure each of your characters has a unique voice, but there’s not a whole lot of talk […]

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December Discounts

Do something for yourself before the year is out.

December Discounts

15-Day Writing Challenge As a way to try to finish out the year with something happy, I am offering $10 off the 15-Day Writing Challenge ($47, regular price $57) through the month of December 2016. What better way to start 2017 than with an already-established daily writing habit as a way to direct your energy […]

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