
Information and News from Los Angeles Writers Group Headquarters

Job Resouces for Writers

Here is a list of sites that list jobs for writers. To receive jobs that we occasionally send out to our members, Join our Mailing List. (use this site to search multiple craiglist sites at once!) (no longer exists)   Resources on twitter: @writersjobs […]

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Humility, Patience and Courage: The Writer’s Holy Trinity

. Humility, Patience and Courage: The Writer’s Holy Trinity by Martin Brady   I’ve been writing professionally now for about 20 years. I got started in Chicago, providing modest (100-150 words) free-lance book reviews for a journal called “Booklist.” I eventually became a staff editor for that publication, and ended up expanding my horizons as […]

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Poetry Review: Red Snow Fence by Harry E. Northup

A Simple Life, A Complicated Man: Finding Balance in Red Snow Fence by Sanora Bartels Cahuenga Press has just released Red Snow Fence by Harry E. Northup (Cahuenga is a cooperative press and Red Snow Fence is the 15th book they have published since their inception in 1989). The collection includes poems written from October […]

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Creating Common Bonds Using Threads of the Web

Creating Common Bonds Using Threads of the Web by Sanora Bartels Last November, I did something I’ve never done before and it paid off in a huge way. I contacted an established author about her work and it turned out to be an amazing experience. It affected my personal growth as a writer and gave […]

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Cahuenga Press Publishes Undercurrent Blues

Cahuenga Press Publishes it’s 14th Book of Poetry! by Sanora Bartels Too often in the world of poetry, books come out without the usual attention paid to publication of a new volume. On July 17, 2005 I was invited by Cahuenga Press to an afternoon party/reading celebrating James Cushing’s latest collection Undercurrent Blues (Cahuenga is […]

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Poetry Review: from one to the next by Holly Prado

Exploring Memory, Creating Myth, Providing Sustenance: Holly Prado takes us from one to the next by Sanora Bartels Holly Prado’s latest book of poetry released by Cahuenga Press, from one to the next takes us on a journey from daily transition and adjustments to fractured dreams of mother and memory and finally eases us into […]

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Poetry Book Review: Strange Grace by Phoebe MacAdams

In Strange Grace Phoebe MacAdams Whispers an Invocation and We Find Connection in the Commonplace by Sanora Bartels Phoebe MacAdams’ latest book of poetry released by Cahuenga Press, Strange Grace begins with an Introduction and the piece Prayer: Behind the eyes is a pathway of voices, the old ones murmuring and humming. …. come to […]

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